Pali Proper Names - A -
- Āpā
- Apacara
- Apacāyika Sutta.-See Pacāyika
- Apaccakkhakamma Suttā.-Five discourses in which the Buddha explains
to Vacchagotta how diverse opinions arise
through want of clearness about the facts of body, feeling, perception,
activities and consciousness. S.iii.262.
- Apaccupalakkhanā Sutta.-Same as the above, only substituting
"through not discriminating" for "through want of clearness." S.iii.261.
- Apaccupekkhanā Sutta.-Same as the above, but substituting "through
not looking into" for "through not discriminating." S.iii.262.
- Apadāna
- Apadāna-Atthakathā, the commentary on the Apadāna.
See Visuddhajanavilāsinī.
- Apadāniya Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-two kappas ago he eulogised the
life-history (apadānam pakittayim) of the Buddha and paid homage at his feet.
As a consequence of this good deed he knew no evil birth thereafter (Ap.i.24).
- Apadika
- Apagata Sutta.-Records a conversation between the Buddha and Rāhula
in Jetavana. The Buddha explains how the mind is freed from notions of "I" and
"mine." S.ii.253; see Rāhula Sutta (3).
- Apajjura
- Apalāla
- Apalāladamana.-See Apalāla.
- Apalokina Sutta.-The Buddha teaches the un-decaying and the path
that leads thereto. S.iv.370. On the name see KS.iv.262, n.2.
- Apalokita.-See Apalokina.
- Āpana
- Āpana Sutra.-See Saddha Sutta.
- Āpāna.-One of the Vanni chiefs of Ceylon, brought into subjection
by Bhuvanekabāhu I. (Cv.xc.33)
- Apannaka Jātaka (No. 1)
- Apannaka Sutta/Vagga
- Apannakatā Sutta.-On the three qualities which make a monk
proficient in following the sure course (apannakapatipadā): guarding the
senses, moderation in eating and wakefulness. A.i.113f.
- Apanthaka.-Given as a personal name in a passage where it is stated
that names are mere designators, they signify nothing. Thus "Panthakas "
(Guides) too lose their way, so do "Apanthakas." J.i.403.
- Apāra Sutta
- Aparāditthi Sutta
- Aparagoyāna
- Aparagoyma.-See Gotama (3).
- Aparājita
- Aparanna
- Aparantā.-Mentioned in a list of tribes. Ap.ii.359.
- Aparantaka (Aparanta)
- Aparaseliyā
- Aparihāni Sutta.-There are seven things that decline not, viz., the
seven bojjhangas. S.v.85; see also ibid., 94.
- Aparihāniya Sutta
- Aparika.-See
- Apāsādika Sutta.-Two discourses on the evils of being unamiable.
- Apassena.-A cakkavatti who lived six kappas ago; a previous birth
of Ārakkhadāyaka Thera. Ap.i.215.
- Āpatti (Sutta/Vagga)
- Āpāyika Sutta.-On three persons who are doomed to purgatory
- Āpāyika Vagga.-The twelfth chapter of the Tika Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya (A.i.265-73). It contains ten suttas on various topics.
- Apāyimha Vagga.-The ninth section of the Eka Nipāta of the Jātaka.
- Apheggusāra.-A treatise, of about the fourteenth century, on
Abhidhamma topics, written by a scholar of Hamsavatī in Burma. Bode: op. cit.,
36 and n.2; Sās.48.
- Apheggusāradīpanī-A book composed at Hamsavatī, probably by
Mahāsuvannadīpa, teacher of Queen Sīvalī. In Nevill's MS. Catalogue in the
British Museum it is described as an anutīkā dealing with matter in the
Abhidhammatthavibhāvanī. Bode: op. cit. 36, n.2.
- Apilāpiya.-A cakkavatti of eighty-six kappas ago; a former birth of
Tikandīpupphiya Thera. Ap.i.202.
- Appacintī.-A fish who lived in the Ganges with his brothers
Bahucintī and Mitacintī. He and Bahucintī were caught in a fisherman's net and
were rescued by Mitacintī. The story is told in the
Mitacintī Jāt. (i.427-8).
- Appakā (or Virata) Vagga.-The eighth chapter of the Sacca Samyutta
of the Samyutta Nikāya. S.v.468-70.
- Appaka Sutta
- Appamāda Sutta / Vagga
- Appamādovāda.-The name given to the stanzas in the Dhammapada (Nos.
21-23) on heedfulness. J.v.66.
- Appamānābhā
- Appamānasubhā
- Appamateyya Sutta.-See Matteyya.
- Appamatta Sutta.-See Asamatta.
- Appamattaka Vagga.-The nineteenth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. In the spiritual world, by analogy with Nature, only a few
are selected out of many who will be lost. A.i.35-8.
- Appameyya Sutta.-Of three classes of persons, the arahant is the
immeasurable (appameyya). A.i.266.
- Appam-supati Sutta.-The five kinds of persons who sleep but little.
- Appassuta Sutta 1.-A woman who has small knowledge is born in
purgatory. S.iv.242.
- Appassuta Sutta 2.-Four classes of persons, some of small learning
and some of wide learning. A.ii.6f.
- Appativāni Sutta.-By him who knows not birth and becoming,
grasping, craving, feeling, contact, etc., there must be no turning back in
the search for knowledge. S.ii.132.
- Appativedhā Sutta.-Preached to
Vacchagotta. Divers opinions arise in the world through want of perception
of the nature of the body, etc. S.iii.261.
- Appatividitā-Sutta.-Spoken by a deva; a Buddha has arisen, now is
the time for those who have not perceived the truth to do so. S.i.4.
- Appihā
- Appiyā.-See Suppiyā.
- Aputtaka
- Aputtaka Sutta
- Aputtasetthi Vatthu.-The story of Aputtaka given above.
- ārabbhavatthu Sutta.-On the eight occasions in which exertion
should be applied. A.iv.334f.
- ārabhati Sutta.-There are five kinds of people in the world. Those
who commit faults and repent, etc. A.iii.165-7.
- Araddhaviriya Sutta. A name given in the Sutta Sangaha (No.80) to a
Sutta in the Itivuttaka (p.115f.), which is called in the Anguttara as Cara
Sutta (q.v.).
- Arahā Sutta
- Araham Sutta
- Arahanta Sutta/Vagga
- Arahanta.-A Talaing monk, the preceptor and advisor of Anuruddha.
King of Burma. He made far-reaching reforms in the Burmese Sangha of his day
(Bode, op. cit., 12-13).
- Arahatta Sutta/Vagga
- Araja.-One of the palaces occupied by
Dhammadassī before he became the Buddha.
- Araka
- Araka Jātaka (No. 169)
- Araka Sutta.-The teachings of Araka.
- ārakkha Sutta.-Earnest care should be exerted to guard one's
thoughts from running riot among passionate things, from being malicious, from
being deluded and from following the path laid down by various recluses (false
teachers?). A.ii.120.
- Ārakkhadāyaka Thera
- Ārāma Sutta.-See Sāriputta-Kotthita Sutta.
- Āramā Vagga.-The sixth division of the Pacittiya of the Bhikkhunī
Vibhanga (Vin.iv.306-17).
- Ārāmadanda.-A brahmin.
- Ārāmadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. In a past life he planted a garden
with shady trees for the Buddha Siddhattha, and gave the Buddha the fruits and
flowers that grew there. Thirty-seven kappas ago he was born seven times as
king, by name Mudusītala. Ap.i.251.
- Ārāmadūsaka Jātaka (No. 46,
- Ārāmassa.-A village in Ceylon, given by King Udaya I. for the
maintenance of a Loharūpa (bronze statue) of the Buddha. Cv.xlix.17.
- Ārāmikagāma
- Arammā.-A tribe mentioned in a list of tribes. Ap.ii.359.
- Ārammana Sutta
- Aranā Sutta.-On the Undefiled. Preached in answer to a deva's
questions as to who are undefiled and fit to receive homage from everyone.
Monks, says the Buddha, are so worthy (S.i.44-5).
- Aranadīpiya Thera
- Aranañjaha.-See
- Aranavibhanga Sutta
- Aranemi
- Arani Sutta
- ārañjara.-See Arañjaragiri.
- Arañjaragiri
- Arañña
- Arañña Jātaka (No. 348)
- Arañña Sutta/Vagga
- Āraññaka Mahāabhaya
- Āraññaka Sutta. The name given in the Sutta Sangaha (No. 85) to the
Anāgata Sutta (q.v.).
- Araññakutikā
- Araññasatta.-A king of twenty kappas ago; a previous birth of
Nimittasaññaka Thera (v.l. Araññamanna; Araññasanta). Ap.i.261.
- Araññavāsī Nikāya
- Arati
- Arati Sutta
- Aravacchā
- Aravāla
- Āravāla.-See Aravāla.
- Aravāladaha.-The lake in which Aravāla
- Arikārī.-A monastery in Ceylon. It is not recorded by whom it was
first built. Udaya I. found it in a dilapidated condition and had it repaired.
He also built there a house for the distribution of food and added a pāsāda
- Arimaddana
- Arimaddavijayagāma
- Arimanda.-A city in which the Bodhisatta was born as the Khattiya
Vijatāvī in the time of the Buddha Phussa. BuA.194.
- Arindama
- Arittha (Sutta)
- Arittha Vihāra.-The monastery built by Lañjakatissa in
Aritthapabbata. Mhv.xxxiii.27; Mhv.trans.230, n.6.
- Aritthajanaka
- Aritthakā
- Aritthapabbata
- Aritthapura
- Arittha-thapita-ghara.-See Sirivaddhaghara (?).
- Ariya (Sutta)
- Ariyā Sutta.-The four iddhi-pādas, if cultivated, conduce to the
utter destruction of Ill. They are ariyaniyyānikā. S.v.255.
- Ariyabālisika Vatthu.-The story of the fisherman Ariya given above,
Ariya 2.
- Āriyacakkavatti
- Ariyagālatissa
- Ariyagāla-tittha. A ford, probably on the
Mahāvāluka-nadī. Ras.ii.38.
- Ariyākara Vihāra. A monastery in Ceylon. Ras.ii.189.
- Ariyākari.-A monastery in Rohana in South Ceylon. Dappula gave it
to the village of Mālavatthu and built therein an image house. He also had a
valuable unnaloma and a hemapatta made for the image there. Cv.xlv.60-l.
- Ariyaka-Vihāra. A monastery in Ceylon. Ras.ii.174.
- Ariyakoti.-A monastery (probably in Ceylon), the residence of Mahā
Datta Thera. MA.i.131.
- Ariyālankāra
- Ariyamagga Sutta/Vagga
- Ariyamuni
- Ariyapariyesanā Sutta
- Ariyasāvaka Sutta
- Ariyavamsa
- Ariyavamsālankāra.-A book written by Ñānābhisāsanadhaja
Mahādhammarājaguru Thera of Burma, author of the Petakālankāra and other
books. Sās.134.
- Ariyavasā Sutta.-The ten dwellings of
Ariyans, past, present and future. A.v.29.
- Ārohanta
- Aruka Sutta.-On the man whose mind is like an open sore, as opposed
to one who is lightning-minded or diamond-minded. A.i.123f.
- Aruna
- Arunabala.-See below Arunapāla.
- Arunaka.-Thirty-six kappas ago there were seven kings of the name
of Arunaka, all previous births of the Thera Vatthadāyaka (Ap.i.116).
- Arunañjaha.-Seventy kappas ago there were
sixteen kings of the name of Arunañjaha. They were all past births of
Asokapūjaka Thera (Ap.i.199).
- Arunapāla.-A king of thirty-five kappas ago, a former birth of
Kanikārapupphiya Thera (who is evidently identical with Ujjaya, Ap.i.203). In
the Theragāthā Commentary (i.119) he is called Arunabala.
- Arunapura.-A city in the time of the Buddha Sikhī.
Ambapālī was born there in a brahmin family
(Ap.ii.613; ThigA.i.213). It is probably identical with
- Arunavā.-See Aruna (1).
- Arunavatī (Sutta)
- Arunavatī Paritta. Same as Arunavatī
- Arundhavatī.-See Amaravatī (2).
- Aruppala.-One of the villages given by Kittisirirājasīha for the
maintenance of the Gangārāma Vihāra. Cv.c.212.
- Āsā-Vagga.-The eleventh chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Anguttara
Nikāya (A.i.86-8). It contains twelve suttas on various topics.
- Āsā.-Daughter of Sakka.
- Asaddha Sutta. Like joins with (literally "flows together with")
like, unbelievers with unbelievers, the lazy with the lazy, etc. S.ii.159.
- Asaddhamūlakāpañca Sutta.-The same in its main features as the
Asaddha Sutta. S.ii.160-1.
- Asadisa
- Asadisa Jātaka (No. 181)
- Asadisa Vagga.-The fourth section of the Duka Nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.ii.86-113.
- Asadisadāna
- Asadisadāna Vatthu.-The story of the
Asadisadāna and its sequel, the
story of Pasenadi's two ministers Kāla and Junha. See
- Asallakkhanā Sutta.-Preached to the Paribbājaka
Vacchagotta. Through want of discernment
of the nature of the body, etc., diverse opinions arise in the world.
- Asama
- Asamā
- Asamāhita Sutta.-Like joins with like, e.g. the un-concentrated
with the un-concentrated, because of some fundamental quality (dhātu) common
to both. S.ii.166.
- Asamapekkhanā Sutta.-By not seeing the nature of body, etc.,
diverse opinions arise in the world. Preached at Sāvatthi to the Paribbājaka
Vacchagotta. S.iii.261.
- Asamatta Sutta
- Asampadāna Jātaka (No. 131)
- Asampadāna Vagga.-The fourteenth section of the Eka Nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.i.465-86.
- Asanabodhiya Thera
- Āsanatthavika Thera
- Asandhimittā
- Asani Sutta
- Āsanka Jātaka (No. 380)
- Āsankā.-The adopted daughter of the Bodhisatta in the
āsanka Jātaka. She was so called because she
came to him when he crossed the water owing to his doubt (āsankā) as to what
was in the lotus. J.iii.250.
- Asankhata Samyutta.-Also called Nibbāna Samyutta. The forty-third
section of the Samyutta Nikāya. S.iv.359-73.
- Asankhata Suttas.-A group of suttas describing the way to the
uncompounded (asankhata). S.iv.362ff.
- Asankiya Jātaka (No. 76)
- Asaññasattā
Asaññataparikkhāra-bhikkhu Vatthu
- Āsanupatthāyaka Thera
- Asappurisa Sutta
- Asātamanta Jātaka (No. 61)
- Asātarūpa Jātaka (No. 100)
- Asatthārāma.-The place where the Buddha
Piyadassī died. Bu.xiv.27.
- Āsava Sutta
- Āsavakkhaya Sutta
- Āsavānam-khaya Sutta.-By cultivating the five indriyas (saddhā,
etc.) a monk in this very life realises the liberation by insight which is
without the āsavas. S.v.203.
- Āsāvatī
- Asayha
- Asekhiya Sutta.-Five things which make a monk worthy of offerings,
etc. A.iii.134.
- Asela
- Āseva Sutta.-If, just for the duration of a finger snap, a monk
indulges a thought of good-will, such a one is verily a monk (A.i.10).
- Āsevitabba Sutta.-On the characteristics of the person who should
be followed. A.i.124f.
- Asibandhakaputta
- Asiggāha Silākāla.-See Silākāla.
- Asiggāhaka-parivena.-A building in the Thūpārāma. Ras.ii.123.
- Asilakkhana Jātaka (No. 126)
- Āsimsa Vagga.-The sixth section of the Eka Nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.i.261-84.
- Asipattavana.-One of the tortures of
purgatory. In the distance the grove appears as a mango grove, and when the
inhabitants of purgatory enter, wishing to eat the mangoes, leaves which are
sharp like swords fall on them, cutting off their limbs. Sn.v.673; SnA.ii.481.
- Asisūkarika Sutta
- Asita
- Asita Devala
- Asitābhu Jātaka (No. 234)
- Asitābhū.-Wife of Prince Brahmadatta. Her story is given in the
Asitābhū Jātaka.
- Asitañjala.-See Amitañjala.
- Asitañjana
- Asīti Nipāta.-The twenty-first section of the
Jātakatthakathā (J.v.333-511).
- Āsīvisa Sutta/Vagga
- Āsīvisopama Sutta
- Asoka
- Asokā
- Asokamālā
- Asokamālaka
- Asokapūjaka Thera
- Asokārāma
- Assa Sutta
- Assagutta Thera
- Assaji (Sutta)
- Assaji-Punabbasukā
- Assaji-Punabbasuka-Vatthu.-The story of the visit of the
Aggasāvakas to the Assaji-Punabbasukā,
mentioned above. DhA.ii.108-10.
- Assaka
- Assaka Jātaka (No. 207)
- Assakanna.-One of the mountains round
Sineru (SnA.ii.443; Sp.i.119). It is higher than
Vinataka, and between these two flows the
Sīdantara Samudda.
- Assalāyana
- Assalāyana Sutta.-Records the conversation between the Buddha and
Assalāyana when the latter went to visit
him. M.ii.147ff.
- Assamandala
- Assamukha.-One of the four rivers that flow out of the
Anotatta Lake. Many horses are found on its
banks. SnA.ii.438; UdA.301.
- Assapāla
- Assapura
- Assapura Suttas.-See Mahā
Assapura and Cūla Assapura.
- Assārāma.-The place of death of Sikhī
Buddha (BuA.204). The Buddhavamsa (Bu.xxi.28) calls it Dussārāma.
- Assāroha.-Probably a nickname for the horse-trainer whose visit to
the Buddha is recorded in the Assa Sutta. He is described as a gāmani (head
man of a village). S.iv.310.
- Assāsa Sutta.-A conversation between Sāriputta and the Paribbājaka
Jambukhādaka as to what constitutes comfort (assāsa) and how it might be won.
- Assatara
- Assu Sutta.-Preached at Sāvatthi. The tears shed by a person faring
in Samsāra, as a result of various sorrows, are greater in quantity than the
waters of the four oceans. One should therefore feel repulsion for all things
of this world. S.ii.179-80.
- Assutavā Sutta.-From the adjusted friction of two sticks fire is
born; if there is no friction there is no fire. Similarly, from contact
feeling is born: if contact ceases feeling ceases. The well-taught disciple
knows this and attains freedom. S.iv.95.
- Assutavata Sutta
- Asubha Sutta
- Asubhakammika Tissa Thera.-Referred to in the Majjhima Commentary
(MA.i.228; J.iii.534; see also MT.401) as an example of a monk in whom lustful
desires ceased because he dwelt on the Impurities and associated only with
worthy friends. He was an arahant.
- Asura
- Asura Vagga/Sutta
- Asurinda (Asurindaka) Sutta
- Asurindaka Bhāradvāja