Pali Proper Names
- V -
- Vāpārani. Ein Kloster gebaut von Aggabodhi VI. Cv.xlviii.64.
- Vappa Sutta. The conversation between Vappa, the Sākyan, und the
Buddha. See
(2). A.ii.196f.
- Varadassana. A Cakkavatti of one kappa ago, a previous birth of
Kusumāsaniya (Suyāmia) Thera. Ap.i.160; ThagA.i.166.
- Varadhara. A noted Paribbājaka In der Zeit von the Buddha. He lived
mit Annabhāra, Sakuludāyī und others in the Paribbājakārāma, on the banks of
the Sappinikā (A.ii.29, 176), und again in the Moranivāpa in Rājagaha. M.ii.1.
- Varadīpa. The name given to Ceylon In der Zeit von Konāgamana
Buddha. Its capital was Vaddhamāna und its König Samiddha. Sp.i.86; Mhv.xv.93;
Dpv.i.73; ix. 20; xv. 45, etc.
- Varakalyāna. A primeval König, son of
Kalyāna. His son was Uposatha. Dpv.iii.4; Mhv.ii.2; J.ii.311; iii.454; but,
according to DA.i.258 und SNA.i.342, Varakalyāna's son was Mandhātā.
- Varakappa. The name of a kappa in which three Buddhas are born in
the world. BuA.158f..
- Varamandhātā. A primeval König, son of Mandhātā. His son was Cara.
J.iii.454, but according to DA.i.258 und SNA.i.352, his son was Uposatha.
Varana Jātaka (Nr. 71)
- Varana Vagga. The eighth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.i.316 59.
- Varana. A Cakkavatti of forty one kappas ago,
a previous birth of Kusumāsaniya (Suyāma) Thera. Ap.i.162; ThagA.i.171.
- Varanā. A city on the banks of the Kaddamadaha, where Arāmadanda
visited Mahā Kaccāna. A.i.65; AA.i.322.
- Varañānamuni. Ein Thera. One of the two theras appointed to lead
the delegation of monks who left Ayyojhā (in Siam) to go to Ceylon, for the
furtherance of the Order in Ceylon, in the reign of Kittisirirājasīha. He was
expert in the Dhamma und the Vinaya und taught them to the monks of Ceylon.
Cv.c.138, 174.
- Vāranavatī, 'Elefantenstadt', wohl identisch mit Vāranavatam,
die Hauptstadt von Anikaratta, dem König dem
Sumedhā als Ehefrau gegeben werden sollte. ThigA.272,
- Varunā. Eine Klasse von Gottheiten, erwähnt in der
Mahāsamaya Sutta (D.ii.259, 260). They probably form the retinue of
- Vārunā. A class of deities, followers of Varuda, who were present
at the preaching of the Mahāsamaya Sutta.
- Varunadeva. The sixth son of
Vārunī Jātaka (Nr. 47)
- Varunindhara. An Ajīvaka who gave grass for his seat to Revata
Buddha. BuA., p.132.
- Vasa Sutta. Seven things, skill in which enables a monk to turn his
mind according to his wish und not to turn himself according to his mind.
- Vāsabhā. See Vāsabhakhattiyā.
- Vāsabhagāma bhānavāra. The fourth chapter of the Campeyyakhandhaka
of the Mahāvagga. Vin.i.312 22.
- Vāsabhagāma. A village in Kāsī. It was once the residence of
Kassapa Thera (q.v.) (Vin.i.312f). Beyond this village was another, called
Cundatthila, between Vāsabhagāma und Benares. Pv.iii.1; PvA. 168,170.
- Vasabhagāma. A village in Uddhagāma, given by Mahānāga to the
Jetavana vihāra. Cv.xli.97.
Vāsabhagāmī, Vāsabhagāmika
- Vasabhodakavāra. See
Vasala Sutta
- Vasala, Vassala. A mountain near Himavā, where lived Sudassana
Pacceka Buddha. ThagA.i.88, 395; Ap.ii.451 calls it Cāvala.
- Vasālanagara. A village in Ceylon, probably near Cittalapabbata. It
was the residence of two brothers, Cūlanāga und Mahānāga, who later became
monks. SA.ii.125.
- Vasantaguhā. A cave in the park of Parakkamabāhu I. in
Pulatthipura. Cv.lxxiii.112.
- Vāsavanesī. A class of devas, present at the preaching of the
Mahāsamaya Sutta. D.ii.260.
- Vasavattī Sutta. Vasavattī devaputta visits Moggallāna mit fünf
hundert other devaputtas und agrees mit Moggallāna in singing the praises of
the Buddha, the Dhamma und the Sangha. S.iv.280.
Vāsettha Sutta
- Vasī. An epithet of Mahābrahmā. z.B.,
- Vāsidāyaka Thera. An arahant. Ninety four kappas ago he was an
artisan (kammāra) in Tivarā und gave a razor to the Buddha. Ap.i.221.
Vāsijata (or Nāvā) Sutta
- Vāsitthā, Vāsitthī. See
- Vasitthaka. The father of the Bodhisatta in the
Takkala Jātaka. J.iv. 44ff.
- Vasitthī. See
Vassa Sutta
Vassakāra Sutta
- Vassakārānumodanā Sutta.-A sutta quoted in the Sutta Sangaha
(Nr.62) from the Vinaya Pitaka (i.229f.), where the Buddha gives thanks to
Sunīdha und Vassakāra, for a meal given to him.
- Vassāvāsabhānavāra. The first chapter of the Vassūpanāyikakhandha
of the Mahāvagga. Vin.i.137 48.
Vassavuttha Sutta
- Vassika Sutta. Just as of all scented flowers the jasmine (vassika)
is the chief, so of all profitable conditions earnestness is the chief.
- Vassūpanāyikakandha. The third chapter of the Mahāvagga of the
Vinaya Pitaka (Vin.i.137ff). It was preached by Mahinda to Devānampiyatissa to
show the necessity of a monastery in Cetiyagiri. Mhv.xvi.9.
- Vasū. A class of devas of whom Sakka is the chief. See
Vāsava. D.ii.260; DA.ii.690.
- Vasudattā. Wife of Padumuttara Buddha in his last lay life.
- Vāsula. Son of Candakumāra
(; he is identified mit Rāhula. J.iv.157.
- Vasulokī
or Vāsula. See Sudanta.
- Vasuttara. One of the palaces of Paduma Buddha before his
Renunciation. BuA., p. 146; but see Paduma.
Vāta Sutta
- Vatagāma. A monastery in Ceylon, built by Moggallāna III. He gave
for its maintenance the village of the same name, which was attached to it.
Vātaggasindhava Jātaka (Nr. 266)
- Vātaggasindhava. The Bodhisatta born as the state horse of the König
of Benares. See the
Vātaggasindhava Jātaka.
- Vātagiri. A mountain in the Dakkhinadesa of Ceylon, a point of
strategic importance, providing a safe place of refuge. Cv.lviii.31; lx. 39;
lxxxviii.43; see also Cv. Trs.i.204, n. 2.
- Vātakapabbata. A place in Ceylon where Maliyadeva Thera preached
the Cha Chakka Sutta und sixty monks became arahants. MA.ii.1024.
- Vātamangana. See Cittamangana ??.
Vātamiga Jātaka (Nr. 14)
- Vatamsa. One of the three palaces of Sumana Buddha in his last lay
life. Bu.v.22.
Vatamsakiya Thera
- Vatamsikā. The wife of Sumana Buddha before his Renunciation.
Anupama was their son. Bu.v.23.
Vatapada or Devā Sutta
- Vatarakkhatthalī. A village in Ceylon, erwähnt in the account of
the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxiv.76.
- Vātasama. A Cakkavatti of long ago, a previous birth of Mānava
(Sammukhāthavika) Thera. ThagA.i.164; Ap.i.159.
- Vātātapanivāriya Thera. An arahant. Ap.i.207.
- Vātavalāhakā. See Valāhakā.
- Vātīyamandapa. A village erwähnt in the account of the campaigns
of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxii.32.
- Vatra. An Asura. See Vatrabhū below.
J.v.153; cp. Sanskrit Vrtra.
- Vatrabhū. A name for Indra (Sakka). (J.v.153; S.i.47). Buddhaghosa
(SA.i.83) explains it as sveva vattena aññe abhibhavitvā devissariyapatto ti
Vatrabhū, Vatranāmakam vā asuram abhibhavatī ti.
- Vatsā. See Vamsā.
- Vatta Sutta. Sāriputta addresses the monks at Sāvatthi on the seven
bojjhanga und of his ability to abide in any of these according to his desire;
just as a nobleman possessed of many robes can don whichever he desires.
Vattabbaka Nigrodha
Vattagāmanī Abhaya
Vattaka Jātaka (Nr. 35)
- Vattakakārapitthi. A village granted by Aggabodhi I. for the
maintenance of the Bhinnorudīpa vihāra. Cv.xlii.26.
- Vattakkhandhaka. The eighth section of the
Cullavagga. Vin.ii.207 31.
- Vattalagāma. A village in which Vijayabāhu III. built the
Vijayabāhu-vihāra. Cv.lxxxi.58; see also Cv. Trs.ii.140, n.3.
- Vattanahānakottha. One of the eight bath houses erected in
Pulatthipura by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxviii.45.
Vattha Sutta
- Vatthadāyaka Thera. An arahant. In der Zeit von Atthadassī Buddha, he was a
Garula, und, seeing the Buddha on his way to Gandhamādana, he offered him a
garment. Thirty six kappas ago he was König seven times under the name of
Arunaka. Ap.i.116.
Vatthu Sutta
- Vatthulapabbata.-A mountain in Ceylon. Ras.ii.19f.
Vatthūpama Sutta
- Vattita Sutta. On the eight proper ways of dealing mit a monk
guilty of some offence, against whom proceedings have been taken. A.iv.347;
cp. Vin.ii.86; M.ii.249.
- Vattura Vihāra.-A monastery on the banks of the Kappakandaranadī.
- Vatuka. A Damila, paramour of Anulā. He reigned for one year und
two months und was then poisoned by her. He was originally a carpenter in
Anurādhapura. Mhv.xxxiv.19f.; Dpv.xx.27.
- Vaya Sutta. That which is transient by nature must be put away.
- Vāyāma Sutta. A nun who speaks carelessly in praise of the unworthy
und in blame of the praiseworthy, who is wrong in mindfulness und rejects the
gifts of the faith, is destined for hell. A.iii.141.
- Vayiga. A river in South India. Cv.lxxvi.307.
- Vāyodevā. A class of deities present at the preaching of the
Mahāsamaya Sutta. D.ii.259.
- Vāyu. A deity, whose son was Vijjādhara. See the
Samugga Jātaka.
- Vāyussaputta. See the Samugga
- Vebhalinga. See
Vedabbha Jātaka (Nr. 48)
- Vedabbha. The name of a charm und of a brahmin who knew it. See the
Vedabbha Jātaka.
- Vedalla Sutta.
See Culla Vedalla und
Mahā Vedalla.
- Vedanā Samyutta. The thirty sixth section of the Samyutta Nikāya.
Vedanā Sutta
- Vedanāpariggaha Sutta. See the
Dīghanakha Sutta, for which this was evidently another name. z.B.,
DA.ii.418; DhA.i.79; ThagA.ii.95.
Vedanāya Sutta
- Vedaññā. See Vedhaññā.
- Vedehā. The people of Videha.
- Vedehaputta. An epithet of Sotthisena, König of Kāsi. The scholiast
explains that his Mutter was a Videha princess. J.v.90.
- Vedeharajja,
Vedeharattha. Name given to the kingdom of Videha. z.B.,, 411.
Vedhañña, Vedañña
Vedikāraka Thera
Vedisa, Vedisagiri
- Vedisaka. See Vediyaka.
Vediya, Vediyaka
- Vediyadāyaka Thera. An arahant. He built a railing round the Bodhi
tree of Vipassī Buddha. Eleven kappas ago he was a König named Sūriyassama.
- Vegabbarī. See Vetambharī.
- Veghanasā. A class of devas present at the preaching of the
Mahāsamaya Sutta. D.ii.261.
- Vejanīya Sutta. See Samvejanīya
Vekhanassa Sutta
- Vekhanassa. A Paribbājaka teacher of
Sakuladāyī (MA.ii.716). See
Vekhanassa Sutta.
- Vela, Velu. A friend of Vasabha und father of Velusumana, who was
named after his father und his father's friend Sumana, governor of
Girijanapada. Mhv.xxiii.69.
- Velagāmi vihāra. A monastery in Ceylon, restored by Vijayabāhu I.
Velāma Sutta
- Velamikā. Chief of the eighty four tausend women who waited on
Mahāsudassana, König of Kusāvatī. She was also called Khattiyānī. S.iii.146;
but at D.ii.187 the chief queen is called Subhaddā.
- Velangavitthika 1. A monastery built by Saddhatissa. Mhv.xxxiii.8.
- Velangavitthika 2. A tank in Ceylon, built by Mahāsena.
- Velankundi. A village in South India, used as a stronghold in the
campaigns of Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvii.89, 93.
- Vellināba. A stronghold in South India. Cv.lxxvii.39.
- Veludanta, Veludatta. Teacher of Vaddha Thera. ThagA.i.413.
- Veludvāra Vagga. The first chapter of the Sotāpatti Samyutta.
S.v.342 60.
Veludvāreyya Sutta
- Velugāma. A village in Avanti, birthplace of
Isidatta Thera.v.l. Vaddhagāma. ThagA.i.238.
Veluka Jātaka (Nr. 43)
- Veluka. A viper. See the Veluka
Velukanda, Velukanta
Velukantakī, Velukandakī, Velukantakiyā
- Velukapītā. See the Veluka
- Veluriya. A village und a rock near which
are found veluriyā (sapphires). VvA.27.
- Veluvagāma. See Beluvagāma.
- Veluvanadānānumodanā Sutta.-A sutta quoted in the Sutta Sangaha
(Nr.64) from the introduction to the Buddhavamsa Commentary, giving an account
of the gift of
by Bimbisāra
- Vemānika-petā. "Himmelspaläste bewohnende Geister", Wesen der Daseinsabgründe. Auf Grund eines starke »Gegensätze von
Licht und Schatten« (oder Gut und Böse; kanhasukka-sappatibhāga) aufweisenden Wirkens (kamma) verbringen sie, ebenso wie ihr Gebieter Yama, ihr Leben teilweise in himmlischem
Glück, teilweise aber in der 'Unterwelt' (vinipātikā) (A.iii.23).
Venāga Sutta
- Venāgapura. A brahmin village of Kosala,
where the Buddha preached the
Venāga Sutta. A.i.180.
- Venasāra Jātaka. See the
Dhonasākha Jātaka.
- Venateyya. A Garula, husband of
Kākātī. He is identified mit
Kunāla. J.v.428.
- Vendu Sutta. The question asked by Vendu (q.v.) und the Buddha's
answer. S.l.52.
- Vendu. A devaputta. He visited the Buddha und asked him a question.
S.i.52; SA. (i.87) calls him Venhu.
- Venhu. A deva who was present, mit his retinue, at the preaching
of the
Mahāsamaya Sutta (D.ii.259). See also
Vendu above. Venhu is a Pāli form of Visnu. See also
- Venī. A she jackal, wife of Pūtimamsa. See the
Putimamsa Jātaka.
- Venigāma.-The Chief of Cūlanāga. Ambāmacca was his son. Ras.ii.145.
- Venisāla.-Father of Tissāmacca.
- Venu. A river in Ceylon, on the way from Anurādhapura to
Dakkhinadesa. It lay between the Tissavāpi und Jajjaranadī. VibhA. p. 446.
- Venudatta Thera. A monk. Valliya Thera heard him preach und
questioned him. Pondering on what be had heard, he gained insight.
- Venumatī. A channel branching off from the Toyavāpi on its western
side. It was constructed by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.46.
Vepacitti (or Khanti) Sutta
Vepulla, Vipula
- Vepullapabbata Sutta. It gives the particulars (names, etc.)
regarding Mt. Vepulla in the age of the four
last Buddhas. S.ii.190ff.
- Vepullatā Sutta. Four conditions which, if cultivated, lead to the
increase of insight. S.v.411.
Vera Sutta
- Verahaccāni Sutta. Contains an account of the conversion of the
brahmin lady of the
Verehaccānigotta. S.iv.412f.
- Verambā Sutta. A monk whose heart is possessed by gains und
flattery, und whose senses are unguarded in the presence of women - he is
like a bird caught in a hurricane (verambavāta). S.ii.231.
- Verambā, Verambhā. Probably a name for the monsoon winds. The
scholiast says (ThagA.i.534) that, according to some, it was the name of a
rocky glen (pabbataguhāpabbhāra).
- Verañja Sutta. Describes the interview between the Buddha und the
brahmin Verañja. See
Verañjā. A.iv.172ff.
- Verañja. A brahmin. See
Verañjā. According to Buddhaghosa his real name was Udaya, but he was
called Verañja because he was born und lived at Verañjā. Sp.i.111.
- Verañjabhānavāra. The first section of the Sutta Vibhanga.
- Verañjaka Sutta. Preached to the brahmins of
Verañjā, who visited the Buddha at Sāvatthi. The subject matter is
identical mit that of the
Sāleyyaka Sutta. M.i.290.
- Verañjakā. The brahmins of
Verañjā, to whom the Verañjaka Sutta was preached. M.i.290.
Verī Jātaka (Nr. 103)
- Veriya Vihāra.-A monastery, probably near the Jajjaranadī.
Maliyamahādeva once lived there. Ras.ii.153.
- Verocana Sutta. Records the visit of Verocana und Sakka to the
Buddha. See
- Vesālā. Die Nāgas von Vesāli, die anwesend waren bei der
Mahāsamaya Sutta.
D.20; DA.ii.688.
Vesāli Sutta
Vesārajja Sutta
- Vesāyī. Ein Name für Yama. J.ii.317,
- Vessāmittā. Allfreude, sind Luftgeister, die vom vedischen Seher
Visvāmitras, Allfreund, ihren Namen haben, Aitareyabrāhmanam 718
- Vessamittā. Königin von
Kosambī. Als ihr Mann bei einer Schlacht
getötet wurde, wollte sie der Sieger heiraten, was sie verweigerte. Er ordnete
an sie zu verbrennen aber sie blieb durch ihre Frömmigkeit unverletzt und
erhielt große Ehre. Ras.i.18f.
- Vessānara. Ein Name für den Gott des Feuers.
- Vessantara
Vessantara Jātaka (Nr. 547)
- Vessara. Ein Hain in dem Mangala Buddha starb. Bu.iv.32.
- Vetaraññī. Das Wasser des Höllenflusses Vetaranī.
- Vetendu. Ein Vasall des
Cātummahārājāno, anwesend bei der
Mahāsamaya Sutta.
Vethadīpa, Vethadīpaka
- Vethipura. Eine Stadt in Indien, der Geburtsort von Abhibhūta
Thera. v.1. Vetthapura. ThagA.i.372.
- Vettavāsa vihāra
- Vetthapura. Siehe oben, Vethipura.
- Vevatiyakapi Jātaka. v.l. für
Mahākapī. Jat.516.
Veyyāvaccaka Thera