Pali Proper Names - I -
- Iccānanagala
- Icchā Sutta.-Wishes it is which hold the world prisoner; by
subjugating them, liberty is gained. S.i.40.
- Icchānangala Sutta
- Icchānangalaka
- Idagalissara.-A village in South India where Kulasekhara had an
encampment in his fight with the Sinhalese forces (Cv.lxxvi.149).
- Iddhi Sutta
- Iddhikathā.-The second division of the Paññāvagga of the
Patisambhidāmagga. Ps.ii.205-15.
- Iddhipāda Samyutta.-The fifty-first division of the Samyutta Nikāya
(S.v.254-93), consisting of eight chapters. It is the seventh section of the
- Iddhipāda Sutta/Vagga
- Iddhivaddhana.-One of the palaces, occupied during his lay-life by
Sumana Buddha. BuA.125; Bu.v.22 gives other names for his palaces.
- Iddhiya.-See Itthiya.
- Idhalokika Sutta
- Ilanāga
- Ilanga.-See Sena Ilanga and
Rakkhaka Ilanga.
- Ilankiya
- Illisa
- Illisa Jātaka (No. 78)
- Ina Sutta.-Deals at length with the disadvantages, both material
and moral, of poverty and consequent indebtedness. A.iii.351-4.
- Inandapada.-A Damila chieftain whom Kulasekhara enlisted as his
ally. He was a troop leader in Uccankuttha. Cv.lxxvii.74ff.
- Inda
- Indadvāra.-One of the fourteen gates of Pulatthipura built by
Parakkamabāhu I. (Cv.lxxiii.160).
- Indagutta
- Indaka (Sutta)
- Indakhīla Sutta.-Like a tuft of cotton-wool or a ball of
thistledown, wafted by every wind, are recluses and Brahmins who do not
understand, as they really are, the facts of Ill; like an indakhīla,
unshakable, unquakable, are those who do so understand. (S.v.443-5).
- Indakūta.-A peak near Rājagaha, the abode of the yakkha Indaka. The
Buddha once lived there. (S.i.206).
- Indapatta (Indapattana, Indapattha)
- Indasālaguhā
- Indasālaka
- Indasama.-A king of thirteen kappas ago; a previous birth of
Setuccha Thera (ThagA.i.207), also called Khajjakadāyaka (Ap.i.182).
- Indasamānagotta
- Indasamānagotta Jātaka
- Indavarī.-Chief among the lay-women who supported Nārada Buddha
- Indranagarī.-The capital of Indra (Cv.lxxxviii.121), evidently
another name for Amarāvatī.
- Indriya Jātaka (No. 423)
- Indriya Sutta
- Indriyabhāvanā Sutta
- Indriyagocara Sutta
- Indriyakathā.-The fourth division of the Mahāvagga of the
Patisambhidāmagga (ii., pp.1-35).
- Indriyāni Sutta.-There are four indriyas: saddhā, viriya, sati and
samādhi (A.ii.141).
- Ingirīsi.-The Pāli name for the English. E.g.,
- Irandatī
- īsādantā.-A class of elephants mentioned with Hemavatas and others
(Vv.xx.9). They have trunks like the poles of a carriage, slightly curved
- īsadhara
- īsāna
- Isayo Araññakā (or Gandha) Sutta
- Isayo Samuddakā (or Sambara) Sutta
- Isibhatta Thera.-Brother of Isidāsa.
- Isibhūmangana.-A spot in Anurādhapura where half the relics of
Mahinda were buried by King Uttiya (Mhv.xx.46). The Dīpavamsa (xvii.109) calls
it Isibhūmi.
- Isidāsa
- Isidāsī Therī
- Isidatta
- Isidatta Sutta
- Isidinna
- Isigana.-Perhaps the name of a Pacceka Buddha, whom the Bodhisatta
once reviled. The reading is, however, very uncertain. Ap.i.299; see footnote.
- Isigili
- Isigili Sutta
- Isimuggadāyaka
- Isindā.-A tribe mentioned in a list of various tribes. Ap.ii.359.
- Isipatana
- Isisinga.-A hermit, the son of the
Bodhisatta and a doe. His story is related in the
Alambusā Jātaka and in the
Nalinikā Jātaka.
- Issā Sutta.-The nun who is possessed of five qualities, including
envy, goes to hell without any doubt (A.iii.140).
- Issāpakata-itthi Vatthu
- Issara Sutta
- Issarasamanārāma
(Issarasamanavāhara, Issarasamanaka)
- Issariya.-A Damila general whom Dutthagāmani subdued at Hālakola
- Issatta Sutta
- Issukī Sutta.-A woman who is faithless, shameless, unscrupulous,
envious and of weak wisdom is reborn in purgatory (S.iv.241).
- Itivuttaka
- Itthā Sutta
- Itthakāvati
- Itthi Vagga.-The seventh section of the Eka Nipāta of the
Jātakakatthakathā. J.i.285-315.
- Itthiya
- Ittiya.-See Itthiya.