Pali Proper Names
- K -
- Kapālanāga.-A vihāra built by Dāthā, wife of Aggabodhi II.
- Kapallakkhanda.-A locality in Ceylon on the field of Hankārapitthi.
Here was fought a fierce battle between Ilanāga und the Lambakannas, in which
the latter were slain in large numbers (Mhv.xxxv.34).
- Kapallapūva
- Kāpathika (v.l. Kāpatika)
- Kapi Jātaka (Nr.250, 404)
- Kāpi.-Son of Kotūhalaka und his wife
Kālī. When his parents fled from Ajītarattha to Kosambī
from fear of the plague, they, being starved, found it very difficult to carry
the child. Seven times the father tried to abandon the child, but the Mutter
prevented him. DhA.i.169f
- Kapila
- Kapila Sutta.-Preached by the Buddha to the people assembled to
hear his explanation of the golden colour of the fish, Kapila-maccha (see
Kapila 4) (SnA.i.305f; DhA.iv.42: UdA.180;
ThagA.i.356). The Sutta Nipāta calls it Dhammacariya Sutta (q.v.).
- Kapila-maccha Vatthu.-The story of Kapila-maccha. DhA.iv.37ff
- Kapila-maccha.-See Kapila (4).
- Kapila-nagara.-See Kapila (6).
- Kāpilānī-See Bhaddā Kāpīlānī.
- Kapilapura.-See Kapilavatthu.
- Kapilavatthu
- Kapila-vihāra.-See Kapila 12.
- Kapinaccanā
- Kapisīsa
- Kapittha.-A village near Cittalapabbata-vihāra, the residence of
Phussadeva (v.l. Gavita). Mhv.xxiii.82.
- Kapitthaphaladāyaka Thera
- Kapitthavana
- Kapīvantā.-A city to the north of
Uttarakuru. D.iii.201.
- Kapota Jātaka (Nr.42, 375)
- Kapotakandara
- Kappa
- Kappa Sutta
- Kappagallaka.-A village in Rohana where Mahinda V. founded a town
which, for some time, was the seat of his government (
- Kappaka.-See Kappa (4).
- Kappakagāma (Kappukagāma).-A vihāra in Ceylon, the residence of the
thera Deva. It was from him that König Vohārika-Tissa heard the Doctrine und,
as a mark of favour, the König restored fünf buildings belonging to the
Kappakagāma monastery (Mhv.xxxvi.29).
- Kappakandara (v.l. Kappukandara)
- Kapparukkhiya Thera
- Kappāsagāma.-A village in Ceylon. There Kittī, queen consort of
Mahinda IV., built a bathing tank for the monks. Cv.liv.51.
- Kappāsika (Kappāsiya)-Vanasanda
- Kappata
- Kappatakura Thera
- Kappāyana.-A name of Nigrodha-Kappa (Sn.v.354); given out of
respect for him, says the Commentary. SnA.i.350.
- Kappina Sutta
- Kappina.-See Mahā-Kappina.
- Kappiñcimpekula.-A Damila chieftain, ally of Kulasekhara.
- Kappitaka Thera
- Kappuka°.-See Kappaka°.
- Kappūramūlāyatana.-This probably refers to the Kappūra-parivena
(Geiger: Cv.Trs.i.222, n.7). Yasodharā, Tochter of Vijayabāhu I., built there
a large und beautiful image house. Cv.lx.83.
- Kappūra-parivena.-A building in the Abhayagiri-vihāra, erected by
Dāthopatissa II. (Cv.xlv.29). Later, Aggabodhi II. built a pāsāda there
(Cv.xlvi.21), und Sena I. erected a pariccheda (probably rows of single
cells). (Cv.l.77) (See also Kappfirar muliyatana).
- Kapulpelanda.-See Kabupelanda.
- Kāradīpa.-An island in the Damila country, near Nāgadīpa. Its
original name was Ahidīpa. Akitti took up his residence there und lived on the
leaves und fruits of the kāra-tree which grew there. On account of this the
island came by its new name. J.iv.238.
- Kāragangā
- Karajakāya Vagga.-The zwanzig-first chapter of the Dasaka Nipāta of
the Anguttara Nikāya. It contains suttas on ten conditions which lead beings
to hell, the ten conditions which give a lay-woman confidence in her house,
etc. (A.v.283-303)
- Kāraka.-A village in Ceylon, near Serisara. Ras.ii.183.
- Karakanda, Karakandaka
- Kārakapupphamañjarī. A work on Pāli grammar, written by Attaragama
Bandāra-Rājaguru in the eighteenth century, dealing mit kāraka or
case-relations - i.e., syntax. P.L.C.283.
- Kāraliyagiri.-A monastery in Ceylon, the residence of a thera named
Nāga, who taught the monks the Dhātukathā after having given up the study of
the scriptures for eighteen years. Vsm.i.96.
- Karamba.-A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvi.139.
- Kārambhiya 1.-See Kāranvī below.
- Kārambhiya 2.-See Karambiya.
- Karambiya
- Kāranapālī
- Kāranapālī Sutta.-Records the meeting erwähnt above of Kāranapālī
mit Pingiyānī. A.iii.236-9.
- Karandaka
- Karandaka Jātaka.-See Samugga
- Kārandava Sutta
- Kārandiya (Kārandiya).-A brahmin student, the Bodhisatta. His story
is given in the
Kārandiya Jātaka.
- Kārandiya Jātaka (Nr.356)
- Karandu (v.l. Karakanda, Karandaka,
- Karanīyametta Sutta.-See Metta
- Karanīyavimāna
- Kāranvī.-A wood in which the Elder Cittaka sojourned for some time
(Thag.v.22). The Commentary suggests (ThagA.i.78) that kāram is the name of a
tree und that from this tree the wood was named. v.l. Kārambhiya.
- Kārapitthi.-A village in Ceylon. Moggallāna III. built there the
Mogallāna-vihāra. Cv.xliv.50.
- Karatiya.-A Yakkha, erwähnt in the Ātānātiya Sutta as being one
of the chief Yakkhas who should be invoked by followers of the Buddha when
they need protection. D.iii.204.
- Karavālagiri.-A locality in Ceylon where once Parakkamabāhu I. set
up his camp. Cv.lxxii.134.
- Karavīka.-One of the seven mountains surrounding Sineru
(SnA.ii.443; Sp.i.119; Vsm.206; DhsA.298). Between Karavīka und Isādhara lay a
Sīdantarasamudda.; see also Mtu.ii.300, where it is called Khadiraka,
und Divy.217, 450.
- Kārāyana.-See Dīgha-kārāyana.
- Karerikutikā
- Karerimandalamālā
- Kārikā.-A grammatical work in Pall, written by the Elder
Dhammasenāpati at the Ananda-vihāra in Pagan. A tika on the work is ascribed
to the same author. Gv. p.63, 73; Bode, op. cit., 16 und n.1.
- Karindaka.-A mountain, headquarters of Dāthāpabhuti in his fight
against Moggallāna. Cv.xli.45.
- Karinda-nadī.-A river in South Ceylon. Near its source was the
Panjalipabbata. Mhv.xxiii.14; also Mhv.Trs.221, n.1.
- Karoti
- Karoto Sutta.-Discussion of the view that there is neither merit
nor demerit in any kind of action whatsoever, whether good or bad (S.iii.208).
The reference is evidently to the heresy of Pūrana Kassapa (C.p. D.i.52).
- Karumbūlatta, Kurummalatta.-A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. He
was subdued by Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvi.139, 216.
- Karumhā.-A class of spirits, present at the Mahāsamaya. D.ii.260.
- Karunā Sutta.-The idea of karunā (pity), if cultivated, is very
fruitful. S.v.131.
- Kārusā.-Mentioned mit the Bhaggas in a list of tribes. Ap.ii.359.
- Kāsagalla.-A monastery which was repaired by Vijayabāhu I. v.l.
Kāyagalla. Cv.lx.61.
- Kasagāma.-A village in Ceylon, given to the Moraparivena by
Dāthopatissa II. Cv.xlv.28.
- Kasālla. A tank in South Ceylon repaired by Parakkamabāhu I.
(Cv.lxviii.48) A fortress of this name is also erwähnt, where Gokanna was
defeated (Cv.lxx.72).
- Kāsapabbata.-A mountain in Ceylon, once the headquarters of
Pandukābhaya (Mhv.x.27). It lay on the way from Vijitapura to Anurādhapura.
Dutthagāmanī encamped there und constructed a tank near by. Mhv.xxv.50; see
also Mhv.Trs.70 n.
- Kāsāva Jātaka (Nr.221)
- Kāsāva Vagga.-The eighth section of the Duka Nipāta of the Jātaka
Commentary. J.ii.196-221.
- Kāsaya.-Inhabitant of Kāsi (J.ii.402). Cf. Kāsiyo.
- Kāsi (Kāsika)
- Kasī Bhāradvāja Sutta
- Kasī Sutta.-See Kasī-Bhāradvāja.
- Kasī-Bhāradvāja
- Kāsigāma, Kāsinigama
- Kāsika.-A city. Sixty-fünf kappas ago the Thera Bodhighariya lived
there as cakkavatti. The city was built by Vissakamma und was ten leagues in
length und eight in width. It was built entirely of precious metals. The
König's palace was called Mangala. Ap.ii.401.
- Kāsika.-The name of a tribe; probably the inhabitants of Kāsi.
- Kāsikhanda.-A district in Ceylon; in it was the
Mahādevarattakurara-vihāra. Cv.xli.101.
- Kasina Sutta.-The ten spheres of kasina (kasināyatanāni) - z.B.,
pathavi, āpo, tejo, etc. (A.v.46)
- Kāsipura.-See Kāsi (2).
- Kāsiyo.-The inhabitants of Kāsi. J.v.377,
- Kasmīra
- Kāsmīra.-See Kasmīra.
- Kassaka Sutta
- Kassakagiri.-See Kassapagiri.
- Kassakalena.-A cave (probably in Ceylon), which was the residence
of the Elder Mahāmitta (q.v.). VibhA.279f.; SA.iii.136f.
- Kassapa
- Kassapa Samyutta
- Kassapa Sutta
- Kassapagiri
- Kassapagotta
- Kassapagotta or Cheta Sutta.-Relates the story of the attempt made
by Kassapagotta (4) to convert a huntsman. S.i.198f
- Kassapakārāma (Kassapārāma).-A monastery in Rājagaha, probably near
Veluvana. It was here that Assaji stayed during his last illness, when the
Buddha visited him to comfort him (S.iii.125). The monastery was built by a
banker called Kassapa. SA.ii.230.
- Kassapamandiya Jātaka (Nr.312)
- Kassapapāsāda.-A building attached to the Abhayagiri-vihāra und
erected by Kassapa IV. A village was made over for its maintenance
(Cv.lii.13). It is identified mit the "Kasub-vad-mahapahā" erwähnt in an
inscription of Mahinda IV. in the Jetavanārāma. Ep.Zey.i.216.
- Kassaparājaka.-A monastery begun by a young prince, called Kassapa,
In der Zeit von König Dappula und finished by Sena I (Cv.l.81). An inscription
(Ep.Zey.i.42ff) mentions that a "Kasubraja-vehara" (probably the same as the
above), was restored by Kassapa V.
- Kassapasena.-A monastery built by the Senāpati of Kassapa IV. It
was given to the Sāgalikas (Cv.lii.17). It was restored by Kassapa V.
- Kassapasīhanāda Sutta
- Kassapa-vihāra.-A monastery to which Dāthopatissa II. gave the
village of Senāmagāma (Cv.xlv.27). This monastery is probably to be identified
mit Kassapagiri-vihāra.
- Kassapiyā, Kassapikā
- Kassipitthika-vihāra.-A monastery in Ceylon, built by König
Dhātusena. Cv.xxxviii.49.
- Kāsumāriphalakadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Thirty-one kappas ago he
gave a kāsumāri-fruit to the Buddha (Ap.i.294). He is probably to be
identified mit Sīvaka Sāmanera (ThagA.i.61).
- Kāsumāriphaliya Thera.-An arahant. The verses attributed to him are
the same as those of Kāsumāriphaladāyaka. He is probably to be identified mit
Jotidāsa Thera (Ap.ii.445).
- Katacchubhikkhadāyikā Therī
- Katadorāvāda (?).-A village in Rohana in South Ceylon
(Cv.lxxiv.164). It may be the same as Kantakadvāravāta. Geiger, Cv.Trs.ii.36,
- Katagāma.-A village in which the Ādipāda Vikkamabāhu defeated
Jayabāhu und his brothers. Cv.lxi.16.
- Katāhaka Jātaka (Nr.125)
- Katāhaka.-The son of a female slave of the Bodhisatta when he was a
rich treasurer in Benares. For his story, see the
Katāhaka Jātaka.
- Kataka.-A village in Ceylon granted by Aggabodhi IV. for the
maintenance of the padhanāghara, which he built for the Elder Dāthāsiva.
- Katakandhakāra
- Katamorakatissa (Katamorakatissaka)
- Katandhakāra.-See Katakandhakāra.
- Katattha.-One of the Yakkhas who guarded Jotika's palace. He was at
the sixth gate und had six tausend Yakkhas mit him. DhA.iv.209.
- Kathā Sutta
- Kathāvatthu
- Kathāvatthu Sutta
- Kathāvivarana.-A book erwähnt in the
Gandhavamsa (p.65).
- Kathika Sutta.-The true preacher is one who preaches revulsion from
the body, its fading away und its cessation. S.iii.163.
- Kathina Vagga 1.-The first section of the Mahā Vibhanga of the
Parivārapāthā. Vin.v.1-10.
- Kathina Vagga 2.-The first section of the Nissagiya.
- Kathinakkhandha.-The seventh chapter of the Mahāvagga of the Vinaya
Pitaka. Vin.i.253-67.
- Kati chinde Sutta.-Preached in answer to a deva's question as to
how many bonds an arahant should cut. Five, says the Buddha. S.i.3.
- Katissabha
- Katissaha
- Kativāpi.-One of the tanks repaired by Parakkamabāhu I.
- Katiyāgāma.-A village in Ceylon where Gajabāhu's officers slew
large numbers of his enemies (Cv.lxx.67).
- Kātiyāna
- Kātiyānī (v.l. Kaccānī)
- Kattala. A village in South India belonging to Tondamāna.
- Kattha Sutta.-On the fünf evil results of not using a toothbrush,
und the fünf advantages of using one. A.iii.250.
- Katthahāla-parivena.-A monastic residence in or near Anurādhapura.
A monk from Piyangalla, who was asked to participate in the building of the
Mahā Thūpa, stayed in the parivena during his visit to Anurādhapura.
- Katthahāra Sutta
- Katthahāra-Bhāradvāja.-See Katthahāra
- Katthahāri Jātaka (Nr.7)
- Katthaka Cetiya
- Katthakā-A class of devas present at the
Mahāsamaya (D.ii.261). v.l. Kathakā.
- Katthakasāla.-See Katthaka Cetiya.
- Katthantanagara.-A town near the Kānavāpi tank. It was here that
König Sena II. had the dam of the tank repaired.
- Katthavāhana
- Katthavāhananagara.-The city of König
Katthavāhana (1) (SnA.ii.576). It was one
whole day's journey from Benares und zwanzig yojanas from Sāvatthi
- Katthī Sutta.-Preached to the monks at Sahajātī by Mahā-Cunda. It
deals mit ten qualities of which a monk should rid himself if he is to
increase und prosper in the dhammavinaya. A.v.157ff
- Kattikā
- Kattikapabbata.-A village in Rohana given by Dappula I. to the
Tissavihāra. Cv.xlv.59.
- Katuvandu.-A locality near Anurādhapura (Cv.lxxii.188).
- Katuviya Sutta
- Kavi Sutta
- Kāvinda
- Kāvīra.-A seaport in the Damila country. Akitti lived in a park
near by (J.iv.238). Sumanā, wife of Lakuntaka Atimbara, was once born in
Kāvīra in a mariner's family. DhA.iv.50.
- Kavisīsa.-See Kapisīsa.
- Kāya Sutta
- Kāyaduccarita Sutta.-On the fünf evil results of wickedness in
bodily action. A.iii.267.
- Kāyagalla.-See Kāsagalla above.
- Kāyagatāsati Sutta
- Kayanibbinda Jātaka.-See
- Kāyasakkhi Sutta
- Kāyasatti.-A Thera, incumbent of the Vijayabāhu-parivena. König
Parakkamabāhu IV. built for him a two-storied pasāda of great splendour und
gave him the village of Sālaggāma. Cv.xc.91f
- Kāyavicchandanaka Sutta. Ein anderer Name für die Vijaya Sutta aus dem Sutta
Nipāta. SnA.i.241.
- Kāyavicchinda Jātaka (Nr.293)
- Kayavikkaya Sutta.-Few are they who abstain from buying und
selling, more numerous they who do not (S.v.473).
- Kāyaviratigāthā