1. Vessabhū. The twenty first of the twenty four Buddhas. He was born in the pleasance of Anoma (Commentary, Anūpama), his father being the khattiya Suppatita (Supatita) and his mother Yasavatī.

On the day of his birth he roared "like a bull" a shout of triumph, hence his name (vasabhanādahetuttā). (But MT. 63 gives another explanation: hīnam janānam abhibhūto maggena abhibhavitakilesahīno ti vā. Dvy.333 calls him Visvabhū).

For six thousand years he lived in the household in three palaces: Ruci, Suruci and Vaddhana (Rativaddhana); his wife was Sucittā, and their son Suppabuddha. He left home in a golden palanquin, practiced austerities for six months, was given milk rice by Sirivaddhanā of Sucittanigama, and grass for his seat by the Nāga king Narinda, and attained Enlightenment under a sāla tree. He preached his first sermon at Anurārāma to his brothers, Sona and Uttara, who became his chief disciples.

Among women his chief disciples were Dāmā and Samālā, his constant attendant Upasanta (Upasannaka), his chief lay patrons Sotthika and Rāma among men, and Gotamī (Kāligotamī) and Sirimā among women. He was sixty cubits in height and lived for sixty thousand years. He died at the Khemārāma in Usabhavatī and his relics were scattered. The Bodhisatta was King Sudassana of Sarabhavatī. (Bu.xxii.1ff.; BuA.205ff.; D.ii.5.; J.i.41).

Vessabhū Buddha kept the uposatha once in every six years. DhA.iii.236.

2. Vessabhū. King of Avanti in the time of Renu. His capital was Māhissatī. D.ii.236.

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