1. Kosiya, Kosiyagotta

The name of a brahmin clan. In the Pācittiya it is given as one of the lower gottas. (Vin.iv.8; but it is also Sakka's gotta, and is therefore generally regarded as a high one; see e.g., Thag.415; ThagA.i.452).

Among those mentioned as belonging to this gotta are the brahmin Kevatta (J.vi.418f), the brahmin who was the father of Sona Kumāra (the Bodhisatta) (J.v.319ff), Bhaddākāpilāni, born in Sāgala (AA.i.99; ThagA.68; SA ii.144), and the banker who came to be known as Macchari-Kosiya.

Kātiyāna's father was a Kosiyan, but he married a woman of the Kātiyāna family (ThagA.i.452).

The Bhūridatta Jātaka (J.vi.181; Mtu.ii.49) mentions a sage Kosiya, who taught Alambāyana the Nāga-spell. The scholiast says he belonged to the Kosiyagotta.

The Sālikedāra Jātaka (J.iv.278f) mentions a brahmin of Sālindiya, called Kosiyagotta, probably for the same reason.

The Kosiya Jātaka (J.i.465f) speaks of a Kosiya-brāhmanī. All these are either addressed or spoken of as Kosiya in their different contexts. The name Kosiya is also used twice in speaking of Sakka - once by the Buddha (D.ii.270), once by Mahā Moggallāna (M.i.252) - and again by Guttila (J.ii.252) and by Mahā Kassapa (Ud.iii.7; UdA.200; DhA.i.429).

The name means "belonging to the Kusika family." It is once used of Indra in the Rg Veda, in what exact sense is not known. Rhys Davids suggests (Dial.ii.296f; see also Dvy.632; Mtu.iii.200, 202, 315, 403) that perhaps we have here a survival from the time when Indra was only the god of a Kusika clan.

The word Kosiya (e.g., J.ii.208) means "Owl" and is probably one of the several clan names which are also names of animals (cf. Vaccha).

2. Kosiya.-See Macchari-Kosiya.

3. Kosiya Thera.-An arahant. He belonged to a brahmin family in Magadha and was called by his gotta-name. He often listened to the preaching of Sāriputta and, joining the Order, in due course won arahant ship. He was a gate-keeper of Bandhumatī and in the time of Vipassī Buddha gave to the Buddha a piece of sugar-cane. (Thag.370-4; ThagA.i.431f).

He is probably identical with Ucchukandika of the Apadāna. Ap.ii.393.

4. Kosiya.-See Kosika (1).

5. Kosiya.-See Nanda Mānava.

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