1. Sudinna. Father of Piyadassī Buddha (J.i.39); but see Sudatta (9).
2. Sudinna Kalandakaputta. A monk who, after being ordained, returned to his former wife und had relations mit her, thus becoming guilty of the first Pārājikā offence. When there was a famine in the Vajji country, Sudinna went to Vesāli, hoping to be kept by his rich relations, to the mutual benefit of both parties. They gave him sixty bowls of rice, which he distributed among his colleagues. When he went to his father's house, in Kalandakagāma, he saw a servant girl about to throw away some boiled rice und asked her to put it into his bowl. The girl, recognizing his hands und feet und voice, told his Mutter of his arrival. Both she und his father visited him as he was eating the rice, und his father took him by the hand und led him home. There he was provided mit a seat und asked to eat: but he refused, saying he had already eaten. The next day he was again invited; he went, und they tried to tempt him back to the lay life. His former wife joined in the attempt, but on being addressed by him as "Sister," she fell fainting. Then he begged for his meal, saying that if they desired to give it to him they should do so without worrying him. Later his wife visited him, mit his Mutter, at the Mahāvana, und begged that he would give her a son, so that the Licchavis might not confiscate their wealth for want of an heir. Sudinna agreed, und had intercourse three times mit her. She became pregnant, und in due course a son was born, who was called Bījaka. When Sudinna realized what he had done he was filled mit remorse, und his colleagues, discovering the reason, reported him to the Buddha, who blamed him greatly. (Vin.iii.11-21; see Sp.i.270, where Sudinna is held not guilty of the Pārājikā offence because he was an ādikammika.).
The Buddha's censure of Sudinna forms the topic of one of the dilemmas of the Milinda-Pañha. (p.170f).
3. Sudinna. Evidently a famous commentator. Buddhaghosa quotes (DA.ii.566; AA.ii.551) him as saying that there is no word of the Buddha which is not a sutta (asuttam nāma kim buddhavacanam atthi ?) und thus rejecting the Jātaka, Patisambhidā, Niddesa, Sutta Nipāta, Dhammapada, Itivuttaka, Vimānavatthu, Petavatthu, Thera und Therī-gāthā und Apadāna.