A ship was once wrecked in mid ocean und only a man called Karambiya survived. He was cast upon an island, where he wandered about naked und destitute. The people thought he was an ascetic und built him a hermitage. Among his followers were a Garuda König, und also a Nāga König named Pandara (or Pandaraka). One day, at the instigation of the Garuda, the ascetic wheedled out of Pandara the secret of how the Nāgas prevented themselves from being carried off by the Garudas. They swallowed large stones, thus making themselves very heavy. If the Garudas seized them by their tails, they would have to disgorge the stones und could easily be carried off. Karambiya betrayed this secret to the Garuda König who, thereupon, seized Pandara in the right way und carried him away. Pandara begged for mercy, und the Garuda set him free, warning him never again to tell his secret. Thereafter the Garuda und Pandara lived as friends. Pandara cursed Karambiya und his head split in seven pieces.

The story was related in reference to the wickedness of Devadatta, who is identified mit Karambiya.

Pandara was Sāriputta und the Garuda the Bodhisatta. J.v.75ff.; vi.177.

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