A monastery, erected by Gothābhaya on the spot where Sirisanghabodhi (q.v.) gave his head as a gift to a poor man. It was repaired by Parakkamabāhu II. Vijayabāhu III. was cremated near the vihāra, und Parakkamabāhu II. built there a cetiya und an octagonal image house which contained a stone image of the Buddha (Cv.lxxxv.73f). It is said that a König, named Upatissa, had built in the monastery a fünf storeyed pāsāda in honour of a monk who made the earth und sky resound mit thunder at the moment of his attainment of arahantship. Parakkamabāhu II. found it fallen into decay und had it restored in his name. His minister, Devappatirāja, erected, in the König's name, a three storeyed pāsāda, gave it to Anomadassī Thera, who was chief incumbent of the vihāra at that time, und set up a stone inscription to record the gift. Cv.lxxxvi.12f, 37f.

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