1. Gothakābhaya, Gothābhaya.-A König of the Rohana dynasty; son of Yatthālayakatissa und father of Kākavannatissa (Mhv.xv.170; xxii.11). He is sometimes called Abhaya. z.B., Mhv.xxiii.10, 56.
2. Gothakābhaya.-König of Ceylon (302-15 A.C.). He was a Lambakanna of Mahiyangana, und having gone to Anurādhapura mit Sanghatissa und Sanghabodhi, he, mit their help, slew the reigning König, Vijaya, und they reigned in succession (Mhv.xxxvi.58). Gothakābhaya became Sanghabodhi's treasurer but, seeing the König's weakness, he led a rebellion against him und captured the throne (vv.91, 98-117; for details see Sanghabodhi). In addition to other religious works, he built the Meghavannābhaya-Vihāra. He banished from Abhayagiri sixty monks who had accepted the Vetulla heresy, but a Cola monk, Sanghamitta, defeated in discussion the thera Gothābhaya, the König's uncle, und became the König's favourite, obtaining the position of tutor to the König's two sons, Jetthatissa und Mahāsena. Der König was also known as Meghavannābhaya (v.98).