1. Gopāla.-König Udena's son. Gopāla was also the name of the father of Udena's queen consort, Gopālamātādevī. AA.i.118.
2. Gopāla.-One of the Yakkha chieftains, to be invoked by the Buddha's followers in time of need. D.iii.205.
3. Gopāla.-One of the four sons of the chaplain to König Esukāri. For their story see the Hatthipāla Jātaka. Gopāla is identified mit Moggallāna. J.iv.491.
4. Gopāla.-A setthi, father of Tapassu und Bhallika, in der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha. ThagA.i.48.
5. Gopāla.-A devaputta of Tāvatimsa. He was the teacher of Uracchadamālā und gave alms to the Buddha Kassapa und the monks; he heard the Dhamma but could get no special attainment. Moggallāna met him during a visit to Tāvatimsa und, in answer to the Elder's questions, Gopāla gave an account of himself. Moggallāna thereupon preached to him und he became a sotāpanna. Vv.v.14; VvA.270ff.
6. Gopāla.-A devaputta of Tāvatimsa. He had been a cowherd of Rājagaha und had once offered Moggallāna a meal of kummāsa (junket und rice). Immediately afterwards he was stung by a snake und died while watching the Elder eat the meal he had given him. Vv.vii.6; VvA.308f.