1. Vijitāvī. A khattiya in the time of Kondañña Buddha. He lived in the city of Candavatī, but, after hearing the Buddha preach, he renounced household life and became a monk. BuA.111; Bu.iii.9; J.i.30.
2. Vijitāvī. A khattiya, of Arimanda city. He was the Bodhisatta in the time of Phussa Buddha. He later joined the Order and became an eminent monk. BuA.194; Bu.xix.7; J.i.40.
3. Vijitāvī. One of the palaces occupied by Nārada Buddha in his last lay life. BuA.i.151; but see Nārada.
4. Vijitāvī. A Burmese author of Vijitapura (Panyā); he wrote a Kaccāyanavannanā on the Sandhikappa and the Vācakopadesa. Sās. p. 90; Bode, op. cit., 46.