1. Uggasena.-King of Benares. The Nāga king, Campeyya, was brought before him by a brahmin snake-charmer for a performance, but when the king learnt from the Naga's sister, Sumanā, what had happened, he caused the Nāga to be set free. Later, Campeyya took him to the Nāga-world and showed him every honour. Uggasena's subjects were allowed to bring back from the Nāga-world whatever they desired (J.v.458ff; Mtu.ii.177ff).

The story is told in the Campeyya Jātaka. In the present age Uggasena became Sāriputta. J.v.468.

2. Uggasena.-Son of a banker of Rājagaha. He fell in love with a very skilful acrobat, married her and followed her about with her troupe. When he discovered that she despised him for his lack of skill as an acrobat, he learnt the art and became a clever tumbler. The Buddha knew that Uggasena was ready for conversion and entering Rājagaha while Uggasena was displaying his skill before a large crowd of people, withdrew their attention from his skilful feats. Seeing Uggasena's disappointment, the Buddha sent Moggallāna to ask him to continue his performance, and while Uggasena was displaying his skill by various tricks, the Buddha preached to him, and Uggasena became an arahant, even as he stood poised on the tip of a pole, and later became a monk. His wife also left the world soon after and attained arahantship.

In the time of Kassapa Buddha they were husband and wife. On their way to the shrine of the Buddha where they worked as labourers, they saw an Elder and gave him part of the food they had with them and expressed the desire that they should, one day, like him, realise the Truth. The Elder, looking into the future, saw that their wish would be fulfilled and smiled. The wife, seeing him smile, said to her husband that the Elder must be an actor, and the husband agreed. Because of this remark they became actors in this life, but through their pious gift they attained arahantship. DhA.iv.59-65; also ibid., 159.

3. Uggasena.-King, husband of Queen Dinnā.

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