1. Somadatta. The Bodhisatta born as the son of the brahmin Aggidatta.
2. Somadatta. The younger brother of Sutasoma. He is identified with Ananda. J.v.185,192.
3. Somadatta. A brahmin. For his story see the Bhūridatta Jātaka. He is identified with Ananda. J.vi.219.
4. Somadatta. An elephant calf. See the Somadatta Jātaka (No. 410).
5. Somadatta.-A brahmin of Sāvatthi. He once played dice with another brahmin, Soma, and won the latter's possessions, including his upper garment and signet ring. When Soma said he could not walk home barefoot, nor face his family without his ring, Somadatta returned his winnings and the two became great friends. Somadatta was later sentenced to death for repeated adultery. When Soma discovered this he offered his life instead and was killed. He was reborn as a deva and took Somadatta to the deva world for a week, sending him back with a wish conferring gem. Later Somadatta too was born near Soma. Ras.i.46f.