A brahmin, so called because he gave the first fruits of his harvest in five stages: when it was ripe, when it was being threshed, when it was put into tubs, when it was put in the boiler, and when it was heaped on the dish. One day, the Buddha went to his house and stood at the door, while the brahmin was having his meal, his wife serving him. The wife, seeing the Buddha, and fearing that her husband would give away his food, made a sign to the Buddha to go. But the Buddha made a gesture of refusal and sent a radiance in the direction of the brahmin. The wife laughed at the Buddha's obstinacy, and, at that moment, the brahmin saw the Buddha and brought to him the remnant of his meal, which the Buddha accepted. He then preached to the brahmin and his wife, both of whom became anāgāmins.

DhA.iv.98 ff.; the story is also found at SNA.i.270, but there the brahmin and his wife only become sotāpannas.

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