1. Paduma
The eighth of the twenty four Buddhas. He was born in Campaka. His father was the Khattiya Asama (but see J.i.36, where he is called Paduma ) and his mother Asamā. For ten thousand years he lived as a householder in three palaces: Nandā, Suyasā and Uttarā (BuA. calls them Uttarā, Vasuttarā and Yasuttarā). His wife was Uttarā and his son Ramma. He left home in a chariot and practiced austerities for eight months. Dhaññavatī gave him milk rice, and an Ajīvaka, named Titthaka, spread grass for his seat under his bodhi tree, which was a Mahāsona. He preached his first sermon in Dhanañjuyyāna. His chief disciples were his younger brothers Sāla and Upasāla and his attendant was Varuna. Rādhā and Surādhā were his chief women disciples, and his chief patrons were Bhiyya and Asama among men and Rucī and Nandarāmā among women.
His body was fifty eight cubits high, and he lived for one hundred thousand years. He died in Dhammārāma and his relics were scattered. The Buddhavamsa Commentary states that his full name was Mahāpaduma, that he was so called because on the day of his birth a shower of lotuses fell over Jambudīpa, and that, at that time, the Bodhisatta was a lion.
Bu ix.; BuA.146ff.; J.i.36; Mhv.i.7; DhA.i.84.
2. Paduma
One of the chief lay disciples of Revata Buddha. Bu.vi.23.
3. Paduma
One of the three palaces occupied by Sobhita Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.vii.17.
4. Paduma
Step brother of Dhammadassī Buddha. The Buddha preached to him at Sarana, and he later became the Buddha's chief disciple. Bu.xvi.18; BuA.183; J.i.39.
5. Paduma
A palace occupied by Siddhattha Buddha. BuA.185; but see Bu.xvii.14.
6. Paduma
A Pacceka Buddha to whom Anūpama (or Ankolapupphiya) Thera offered some ākulī flowers. ThagA.i.335; Ap.i.287; see also M.iii.70 and PvA.75.
7. Paduma
A cakkavatti of eight kappas ago; a previous birth of Pindola Bhāradvāja. Ap.i.50.
8. Paduma
A cetiya built by Mahā Kaccāna, in a previous birth, for Padumuttara Buddha (Ap.i.84). The Apadāna Commentary explains that the building was, in fact, a gandhakuti, which was called a cetiya as a mark of respect (pūjanīyabhāvena), and that it was called Paduma because it was shaped like a lotus and was covered with lotuses.
9. Paduma Thera
An arahant. He once threw a lotus to Padumuttara Buddha as he was traveling through the air, and the Buddha accepted it. For thirty kappas Paduma was king of the devas, and for seven hundred king of men. Ap.i.109f.
10. Paduma
A Niraya. The Sutta Nipāta explains that it was not a separate Niraya but only a period of suffering.
The monk Kokālika was born there. SN. p.126; J.iv.245; AA.ii.853; DhA.iv.91.
11. Paduma
A rock near Himavā. Ap.ii.362.
12. Paduma
One of the Theras who assisted at the foundation-laying ceremony of the Mahā Thūpa. Dpv.xix.8; MT. (524) calls him Mahāpaduma.
13. Paduma
The Bodhisatta born as king of Benares. See the Culla Paduma Jātaka.
14. Paduma
The Bodhisatta born as son of the king of Benares. See the Mahā Paduma Jātaka.
15. Paduma
See Mahāpaduma.