In a Brahmin family of Benares, the two sons and the daughter heard the Doctrine from Sankicca Thera and became believers. The parents were anxious to give their daughter to their nephew, but he had joined the Order. Later, however, wishing to marry his cousin, he asked his teacher's permission to become a layman. The latter withheld his consent for some time, and, while he hesitated, the house in which the family lived fell down and they were all killed.
The two sons and the daughter were born among the bhumma devas and the parents became petas. The young monk's teacher showed them to him one day as he passed behind the monastery at Isipatana, and having heard their story from their own lips, the monk caused alms to be given in the name of the petas, and they were freed from their sufferings. Pv.i.11; PvA.53ff.