Mālunkyāputta Thera (v.l. Mālunkyaputta, Mālukyaputta). Son of the assessor (agghāpanika) of the king of Kosala, his mother being Mālunkyā. He was religious by nature, and, when he came of age, became a Paribbājaka. Later, he heard the Buddha preach and joined the Order, becoming an Arahant (ThagA.i.446f). The Theragāthā contains two sets of verses attributed to him: one (vv. 399 404) spoken on his visit to his home after attaining arahantship when his people tried to lure him back by a great display of hospitality; the other* in connection with a brief sermon preached to him by the Buddha before he became an Arahant. The Thera asked the Buddha for a doctrine in brief and the Buddha gave him one. The verses contain a detailed account of the stanzas which were only outlined to him by the Buddha.

In the Majjhima Nikāya are two suttas -  the Cūla Mālunkyā and the Mahā, Mālunkyā (this is referred to at Mil. 144) -  both evidently preached before Mālunkyāputta's attainment of arahantship, because in both the Buddha speaks disparagingly of him.

* vv. 794-817; the reference is probably to the Mālunkyāputta Sutta of A.ii.248; see also S.iv.72, where the verses are quoted in full. There the monk is described as a broken down old man, far on in years. The Commentators (AA.ii.582 and SA.iii.20) add that he had, in his youth, neglected the detailed teaching and fallen back, through love of possessions.

Mālunkyāputta Sutta. Mālunkyāputta comes to the Buddha in his old age and asks for a teaching in brief. The Buddha first chides him for having wasted his opportunities, but then tells him of the four ways in which craving arises and the advantages of destroying it.

Mālunkyāputta retires into the forest and shortly after becomes an arahant. A.ii.248f.; AA.ii.582f.; cp. S.iv.72f. and SA.iii.20f.

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