Twice the sons of Pañcāla, king of Kampilla, were devoured by an ogress who had conceived a hatred for his queen. On the third occasion the ogress was chased by the palace guard before she could eat the child, but she succeeded in snatching him away and brought him up as her own. He grew up to be a man-eating ogre and dwelt in a tree. The fourth son of Pañcāla was Jayaddisa, who succeeded his father.
The ogress had died before his birth. He had a son Alīnasattu.
One day Jayaddisa ordered a hunt, but just as he was about to start out, Nanda, a brahmin from Takkasilā, brought him four verses worth one hundred each. Jayaddisa ordered a dwelling to be made for him and declared that he on whose side the deer escaped should pay for the verses. An antelope made straight for the king and escaped. The king pursued and killed it, but while on his way back with the carcase he came to the ogre's dwelling place and was promptly claimed as his prey. Remembering his promise to pay Nanda, Jayaddisa persuaded the ogre to let him go on condition that he would return when he had paid for the verses. Alīnasattu, hearing of this, offered to go in his father's place and this was allowed. He won over the ogre by his fearlessness, taught him the moral law and, suspecting that the ogre was his father's elder brother, proved the relationship with the help of an ascetic gifted with supernatural vision. Jayaddisa, informed of this, made a settlement for the ogre which came to be called Cullakammāsadamma.
The ogre was Angulimāla and Alīnasattu the Bodhisatta (J.v.21-30).
The story was related in reference to a monk who supported his mother; for details see the Sāma Jātaka.
The story of Jayaddisa is included in the Cariyāpitaka (ii.9).