A shrine near and to the south of Vesāli (D.iii.9). It was considered one of the beautiful spots of that town (E.g., D.ii.102, 118) and the Buddha stayed there several times, particularly during the first years of his ministry (Thus AA.i.457). During one such stay, he laid down the rule which allowed monks the use of three robes; he himself felt cold during the night and had to wear extra clothing (Vin.i.288; iii.195).
The shrine was pre-Buddhistic and dedicated to a Yakkha named Gotamaka. A vihāra was later built on the spot for the Buddha and his monks (UdA.322; DhA.iii.246; AA.i.457; SNA.i.344).
There the Gotamaka Sutta was preached. (And, according to some, also the Hemavata Sutta [SNA.i.199]).
The Divyāvadāna (p.201), in a list of noted places of Vesāli, speaks of a Gautama-nyagrodha. The reference is evidently to this cetiya. It has been suggested that the cetiya may have been called after the Kāla (Kanha) Gotama Nāgas, but the suggestion appears far-fetched. See J. P.T.S.1891, p.67; Windisch: Mara and Buddha, p.68; cp. J.ii.145.